Saturday, March 17, 2007

Black blood!!

For it vanished like smoke
All the feelings that it had invoked
The scattered pearls which lay on the floor
What once was a necklace which I adored

The protagonists have changed over time
I used to live; now I am dying
Wishing that my eyes could deceive me
For what I was, now I crave to be

And the nicotine in my blood which says
That tobacco has now taken her place
And the only difference which now remains
She mutilated me, the cigarette relieves the pain

And with each and every drag that I take
Reminds me of the love so fake
Ramshackled, yet those hinges still creak
My efforts to erase her, prove so weak

Etched in my blood
Is that love so divine
Mixed with alcohol
It still does remind

Those sleepless nights
Those crazy dreams
Those endearing bickers
The ecstatic screams

And the times when we fabricated love
Her eyes closed, her breath fluctuated
In my arms she lay as if she said
For ages my love, have I awaited

For there is no more of her today
What remains now, is an empty bed
And me on the floor, lay hallucinating
With the liquor, ashtray and my beloved cigarette.

- Kanishka

1 comment:

BrownGirlInTheCloud said...

Its amazing how the worst of times bring out the best in a person... This one is certainly my favourite :)